Session 1: Introduction and Overview of EFT Supervision:
The Landscape of EFT Supervision; EFT Accreditation Framework; EFT Supervisor Competency Framework; Video: EFT Supervision Session.
Session 2: The Central EFT Supervision Competencies:
Say What You See; Say What You Would Do; Look at What the Client Does Next:
Say What You See: Presentation and skill practice; live demonstration. Say What You Would Do: Presentation and skill practice. Look at What the Client Does Next.
Session 3: Balancing Relationship and Tasks in EFT Supervision:
Affirm and Collaborate: Relational processes in EFT supervision: Integrating EFT experiential teaching in Supervision; live demonstration and skill practice; working with difficulties in the Supervisory Alliance.
Session 4: Emotional Deepening and Case Formulation Work in EFT Supervision:
Tune into/Speak out Client experience; Find and Follow the Red Thread: Presentation, live demonstration and skill practice; Brief overview of EFT case formulation models; evaluating written EFT case formulations.
Session 5: Working with Therapist Blocks and Vulnerabilities in EFT Supervision:
Tune into Supervisee Experience and explore what gets in the way; presentation; small group work (what are my blocks or stuck places?); live demonstration; skill practice; experiential work in EFT supervision.
Session 6: Other Topics in EFT Supervision: Supervisor blocks and fears; EFT meta-supervision; accreditation evaluation processes; processing and integrating this training